
Specialized Fireproofing &
Insulations solutions

leaders in our industry

EM & G Firestopping has over 45 years of experience with fireproofing K-13 Thermal Insulation, spray foam insulation, and firestopping.

Comprehensive Labeling

Pertaining to firestopping, we place labels on all of our completed work. The labels identify the company name and information, date work was performed, applicator’s name, UL system used, and product.

Meet Our Leaders

The combined technical expertise and a commitment to continuous learning of our team, contribute to the overall effectiveness and success of our firm.

Norbert Pelayo

Project Manager

Johana Haddad

Administrative Manager

Osvaldo Ducunget

Field Superintendent

Adrian Tejeda

Field Superintendent

our Partners

The logo was designed by Norbert Pelayo’s daughter, Gabriela Pelayo, when she was nine years old.